Monday, August 26, 2013

An update on Plexus Slim, a continuing weight loss journey

As you may have read from my previous post, I tried Plexus Slim. The process did not go great for me.

I've read people claiming to have lost 40 lbs in 2 weeks or something crazy like that, but that did not happen for me.

This is what happened:

For the first 15 days, you can read in detail here.

After that, I continued to take it daily and while I did not lose any weight, in general, I noticed a general slimming in my overall body shape. I did write a small, follow up update here too.

That's all.

I have considered taking it further and getting another 30 or 60 days supply to see if the weight does come off, but I started calorie counting and that's been a different journey.

I ultimately decided not to spend the money in getting more Plexus Slim because it is expensive and I did not want to spend that much on a diet drink.

If I had more funds available to me and if I had different priorities, I would probably spend the money and give it a few more months, but right now, I'm not wanting to spend the money.

I'm continuing on my weight loss journey without Plexus Slim.

I guess the point of this post is to say that weight loss is a journey and most often, it is a slow journey.

There is no quick fix.

There is no miracle cure.

You eat less.

You exercise more.

You work at it, and you work HARD at it.

It's continuous work.

It's persistence, and yes, sometimes it gets tiring.

For those of you looking to lose weight, do what is right for you. There are tons of process, methods, fads, out there.

Pick one that fits with your lifestyle.

Pick one that you can do and more importantly, you can STICK to.

All the best with your weight loss journey.

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Twitter: @langshipley
Instagram: @langshipley
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  1. Hello there,
    Im a long time reader… first time poster. I felt that after reading and trying weight loss technics over the past couple years online and finally finding something that gave me some results. Although i wouldn't really say I was "obese" per say, I was still not happy with the way I looked. I felt being 5'4 , that 140 lbs a little unhealthy, having said that, I began almost every crazy diet and workout routine that I could find online. All they did was make me feel like a failure when I missed a day of working out or having a piece of cake at a friends wedding. I regularly fluctuated between 135-140 lbs, a far cry from the 105 i was in high school. To make a long story short, I began feeling I was stuck in a weight-loss hamster wheel until I saw this segment on Dr. Oz about a year ago (heres the actual segment on youtube ) about this green coffee bean extract. Initially it went in one ear and out the other, until one day i was browsing online and saw a site that was giving away a risk free trial ( 'ill list the site in my sig so i don't feel like a pill pusher lol) I though to myself after all the time and cash i invested in other diet programs what did i have to lose? Well I received the free trial about a week after I order it, one of the boasts was I didn't have to do any crazy workouts or live off raw veggies and water. The way it works is it speeds up your metabolism. At first it was slow, I lost about 2 lbs a week. After I lost about 10 lbs I downloaded a calorie counter on my iphone, and within 90 days, I was down to 120 lbs , and just last month I reached my goal of 115 yay me :) Anyway, sorry to ramble, but I hope that someone finds some inspiration in my journey the same way I have… Good luck everyone ;)
    BTW the site that is giving out the free trial of the green coffee bean is

  2. Great and nice blog. It's also very interesting. We also have a website about Plexus slim .

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